Funclab Records presents: Enough is Enough

Quando la musica si esprime nel pieno della sua energia le parole sono superflue. Funclab Records presenta Enough is Enough. Il titolo dice tutto.

Una compilation collaborativa con più di 50 tracce da artisti provenienti non solo da Milano, ma anche da altre parti del mondo. Il messaggio è chiaro: la cultura black ci ha dato tantissimo, ora è il momento di fare qualcosa, con i nostri mezzi, per ottenere un cambiamento nella nostra società. L’Italia è un paese difficile, in cui il razzismo è ancora molto presente, dalle micro-aggressioni fino ai fatti di cronaca più recenti e non possiamo più fare finta che tutto ciò non esista.

La compilation è distribuita su Bandcamp ed è scaricabile a fronte di una donazione che verrà devoluta interamente a

Hanno contribuito: Alberto De Benedetti, Alessio Collina, Alsogood, Andrea Dissimile, Anthony Brooklyn, Arrow Ganza, Ayce Bio, Ben Belward, Blkldg, Broke One, Brothermartino, Carmines, CNI Music, Collletttivo, Comma Uno, D_Roots, Dionis, Dj Octopus, Dj Rou, Dj Soch, Emanuele Triglia, Enreeco, Exe, Fede Lng, Fight Pausa, FFiume, Florian, Francesco Camuffo, Generic Animal, Goodboi, Ground16, J. Raise Jr, Kuranes, Look Studio, Louison, Matteo Milani, Mark:eno, Mazinga Paddon, Mimmo, Minimono, Mr. Jin, Mr. Groover, Natlek, Nobel, NDF, Owain K, Pacific Bureau, Painé Cuadrelli, Palazzi D’Oriente, Pietro Vicentini, Perseus Traxx, Prev, Radiant Touch, Renato Rassi, Roberto Quadrelli, Robotalco, Rufus, Sagats, Sauna, Sensasciou, Sergio Messina, Stefano Salvadore, Sunn Pei, Talcbeats, The Mechanical Man, Turenne, Yao Pape, U.Nico, Viridiano, Wizharrd.

“As a collective, record label, and most importantly as human beings, we have always, and always will, stand against any form of racism and social inequality. We are a group of white men who grew up feeling inspired and driven by black culture, and owe most of what we are to it. We were born and raised in one of the most historically racist countries ever – Italy – where sadly, beyond the surface, things haven’t changed much over the past seventy years: POC and minorities in general are heavily discriminated on a daily basis, citizenship is still not automatically granted to migrants’ sons and daughters born here and their communities are constantly targeted by law enforcement and racist organizations. Soumaila Sacko, Abdul Salam Guibre, Emmanuel Chidi, Samb Modou and Diop Mor are just few of the many victims of racial murders that took place here in the last ten years. The country, system, and culture we live in mould us to accept forms of hate that should’ve been erased years ago: that is exactly what we should fight. Not only explicit racist acts, yet anything that fuels or normalizes them. That being said, we acknowledge that we are privileged and will never fully understand what it means to be a victim. But we are listening, learning and willing to step up. Everybody knows someone who should hear this. Now it’s time to have that conversation. Following the events happened around the world over the past few weeks, Funclab Records has decided to take action. We reached out to a community of artists, and friends. People we have met along the way with whom we have created a connection free of gender, color or religion gaps, joining forces to step up using the tool we know best, music. Therefore, we set up a Bandcamp page called “Enough Is Enough”, where you can go and contribute to the movement purchasing the compilation. 100% of the profits will be donated to the movement. (Via Even though this is only a small contribution to a much bigger cause, we believe that actions are more powerful than intentions, now more than ever”. (Funclab Records)

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