Premiere: SPIME.IM — Exaland VII (Emma)

In attesa del nuovo EP di SPIME.IM, pubblicato da -OUS, in arrivo a fine Maggio, vi facciamo vedere in anteprima l’ultimo video estratto di Exaland, album d’esordio del collettivo torinese.

Emma è una creatura virtuale, generata da una libreria 3D open source. Sono le sue imperfezioni, filtrate da inquadrature distorte, a renderla reale ai nostri occhi.

“The video is a romantic contemplation of Emma and her imperfections, and it’s the recovery of her lost beauty in the sea of informations. The video was shot recording the interface of a 3D visualization software on an old monitor with a cheap smartphone.“

Exaland VII is produced by SPIME.IM @ Superbudda
Mixed by Maurizio Borgna
Mastered by Matt Colton

Riascolta Exaland:

“The seven tracks are defined by razor-like sounds, crystal textures and digital overload, captured in those weightless seconds on a parabolic flight. Just as SPIME.IM’s live performances, this album is a temporarily linear journey through a narrative space shaped by psychedelic landscapes, synthetic colors, mutating objects and transient life-forms.”

SPIME.IM x Weekend Mixtape #69:

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More on -OUS:

Weekend Mixtape #86: Stages of LoveWeekend Mixtape #87: Soundsgroovy
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