Weekend Mixtape #55: River Yarra
Il Weekend Mixtape #55 arriva da molto lontano. A quasi 24 ore di volo dall’Italia e a un’ora di macchina da Melbourne c’è la contea di Nillumbik, Victoria, luogo natale di River Yarra.
Il vero nome di River Yarra è Raudie McLeod, musicista, producer e dj formatosi prima come percussionista presso la Eltham High School Symphonic Band insieme ad altri artisti di stampo classico, jazz e post-ambient. Lui è giovanissimo e la sua prima release, con un altro pseudonimo, è datata 2017, Tambo’s House EP su Vulcan Venti, etichetta fondata insieme a Liluzu, amico e collega anche lui di Melbourne. Poco dopo si è trasferito a Parigi dove è entrato a pieno merito nella crew di Antinote Records, insieme a Zaltan, PAM e Nico Motte.
Sul suo canale SoundCloud si possono trovare le sue ultime uscite, alcuni repost di artisti della sua nuova etichetta Super Utu, ma soprattuto tanti mixtape, tutti bellissimi. Tuttavia, questo Weekend Mixtape è diverso da tutti gli altri, è più un percorso formativo che ci permette di conoscere Raudie nella sfera dei suoi ascolti più intimi e personali, il tutto circoscritto all’interno di una riflessione di due ore sulla dicotomia suoni artificiali vs suoni naturali che il giovane artista australiano ci racconta meglio così:
“Growing up in a suburb on the fringes of agrarian land which itself was speckled with sheep I’d view from the window of my parents car as we drove further into the bush each holiday period or when my parents had time off work, I learned, at picnic tables and petrol stations, the duality of the natural and the artificial world. I came to know the tone of wood against wood and the racket of truck’s engine brakes. I learned percussion classically at my local high school where my mum was a teacher of art and visual communication. I was fascinated always by the technology humankind has invented which grew out of the ground in the form of my township, which trundled along the bitumen roads of the main street as locomotives and which flew overhead taking the intrepids to distant lands. I came to find pleasure in the dichotomy of the natural vs the artificial and it has since informed my practise firstly as a musician but secondly, and more art-wankerly, as a DJ. This mix is full of songs not my own that take me to cerebral places co-existing in a hyperreal combination of the natural and the artificial. A place where a synth is a drum is a synth. At times it is as still and boring and beautiful as nature and then all of a sudden it is fierce and loud and makes you want to withdraw to the safety of your shelter all to forget about it once it has calmed down and which at that point forget of its ferocity and step yourself back outside again to bask in the marvel of it all.” (River Yarra)
Questa domenica River Yarra suona al Fuoriorario Diurno di BUKA, prima data estiva del suo primo tour europeo.
Buon ascolto, buon weekend.
Philip Glass/Uakit – Tiquiê river
Philip Glass/Uakit – Japura River
Tornado Wallace – Voices
Golden Teacher – Diop
James Asher – Tantango
Brent Lewis – Reflections
Anthem – Michael Abels
Dudu Solo – Fruit
Psychic TV – A Mind Blown Is A Mind Thrown
Nico Niquo – Maru Dai Dawn
Novi Singers/Chopin – Prelude in E minor Op.28 No.4
Bobby McFerrin – Improvisació 1
Uakti – Mapa
Jasper Van’t Hof – Kinshasa ‘M Boté
C Cat Trance – Daboulka
Waak Waak Djungi – Mother, I’m Going
Marsesura – Asmoro
Céline Gillain – I Can’t Connect
Daniel Gerard – Le Vieux De La Montagne (Part 2)
Yishak Banjaw – Libey Ma’aduley
Billy Boyo & Little John – Janet Sinclair
Tri Atma – Blue Caravan
DJ /rupture – Jibal Al Nuba/Gemini Dub
Désaccord Majeur – Folk Us
Uakti – Trilobita
Phil Cohran – White Nile
Ascolta tutti i Weekend Mixtape qui: mixcloud.com/ptwschool
Segui la playlist Weekend sul nostro profilo di Spotify, ogni lunedì 5 tracce nuove estratte dall’ultimo Weekend Mixtape: spoti.fi/2QV4M1y